The Léa Nature group

SO’BiO étic® belongs to the LÉA NATURE group.

LÉA NATURE is a family-owned, independent group that develops natural and organic health and food products, cosmetics, dietary supplements and household products.
Its mission is to contribute to making the planet more harmonious through healthful and tasty products that are respectful of mankind and biodiversity and through simple, strong and durable commitments.
As a committed and socially responsible company, LÉA NATURE believes equal efforts must be dedicated to its economic development, to social responsibility and to environmental conservation initiatives. The company has been awarded the “Climate Commitment” award for the dynamic management system used for greenhouse gas emissions. The Group’s CSR* (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy was evaluated as Excellent by ECOCERT 26000.
The headquarters of the company, based in Périgny, near La Rochelle in France, were built to reflect our fundamental values with predominantly ecological materials and renewable sources of energy.
* Scope of the audit: headquarters and industrial premises located in Périgny (17), France.

LÉA NATURE is one of the leading French donors of the 1% for the Planet Club, a worldwide initiative of 1,200 companies who contribute 1% of their total sales to support over 3,300 nonprofit environmental organizations.


As members of 1% for the Planet, LÉA NATURE brands support projects focusing on:

  • facilitating the development of sustainable small farming (organic agriculture, agroecology, permaculture, etc.);
  • fighting against the main obstacles to sustainable farming (GMOs, pesticides);
  • reforestation and biodiversity conservation;
  • supporting the development of garden-sharing initiatives that are socially-oriented and nature-friendly.
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